Some years ago I placed ads on Facebook with the training that was the latest back then. Today, it seems fundamentally the same, however, AI is having it's place and bits have changed. Some years ago I spent a lot of money on a Facebook course, from a very well known guy in that space and I still have access which is great, however, it's a really complicated course. I guess really in depth and not my expertise at all so yeah it was confusing for me 😵💫
In light of this and I needed a quick tuitorial for some Facebook advertising and I looked on YouTube. I found Davie Fogerty's course on Fb Ads. If you have ordered an Oodie then Davie is your guy, well you might know him because he created the Oodie and made millions, so good! I followed his course with the pause - look - change - pause scenario and put his knowledge to work. Thank you Davie!
If you need some help with your Facebook ads check out Davie's YouTube channel.
engagement in a long, complicated dispute or argument.
"weeks of political wrangling"
I wouldn't say I had an argument, however, let's say it was a tussle and my mind was stretched, while I was learning the skill of advertising on Facebook.
Here a few of my simple tiny weeny tips:
Write your ad all off line first (save it).
Once you have your ad written, then add it to your ad on Facebook.
Most important.....Leave it alone!
Do not touch it for the first 24/48 hours. This is the learning phase, so trust in the system.
Let Facebook do it's own thing find your people.
Once things warm up a little and you're past the learning phase add some moula to your budget.
That's my tiny weeny bit of knowledge that I can impart, it's clearly a whole lot more than that so please check out Davie's course, he is such a nice guy!
The business of a new business really takes time and here is my update.
For the months of June and July to date I have been working on the website and populating it with products. Big news!! I have created my first bundle for the short term stay market. Something I really love to chat about, as I was a successful host with our beach unit.
I am also willing to declare it's been a month of zero income as I expected for June and July to date.
This is okay and I appreciate that I am on Entrepreneurial time. You can read about what this means if you like, in one of my previous blogs.
My email list is growing, it's such a pleasure to have new peeps here! Hello ✨💞
Always send me an email anytime, that is where you will catch me.
Take great care!
Talk soon,
Madgie xx
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